Monday, March 2, 2009


lol jaykay. fucking sam's town is the best.
humhumhum. happy march!

the past two nights i've been having really weird dreams. all having to do with the same person. i'm sure you can guess who it is. but in all my dreams, i killed him. like literally. two nights ago i had 5 consecutive dreams of him dying in different ways, by my hands. one with a baseball bat, one with poisoned soup, one where i ran him over, one with a gun, and one with me stabbing his eyes out with a paper fan. it's probably because i read that review for batte royale. i really nead to watch that, by the way. but i'm kind of scared to watch it alone because i'm afraid it'll scar me for life.

anyways, all these dreams i've been having just make me want to not know you at all. thinking about you always just gets me in a down mood. so i don't think i'll talk to you anymore. just when you talk to me, or something. yupyup.

my goal for today is to download every single killers b-side. i love them. akekeke.
i have these fanatical daydreams where i live in vegas and have a job as the killers photographer. ahhhh. only in my dreams, though.

i also had this awesome dream that YOUUUU were my brother. oh my gosh. you don't know how much i'd like that. i could take you everywhere. i don't know. maybe that's why i've always been attracted to you and always been stalking you. gahah you're so cute. not in a weird way, though. in a little brother kind of way. keke.

i lovelovelove dreams. but sometimes it hurts that it's not real.

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