Thursday, February 26, 2009


i feel like everything i listen to is a joke. which it isn't. because i have some really good music. but i feel like i haven't been exposed to enough music. which is a lie, because i've been more exposed than alot of people. i need something really good to listen to. i'm not sure what i'm looking for, though. i guess something that has really meaningful lyrics, the beat doesn't suck, it's not fucking br00t4L with the intense bass drums and guitar, and has a really sexy bass solo somewhere in it. and there definitely needs to be some synthesizer in there. i feel like i should just listen to the killers, now. but that's dumb, because even though brandon flowers is beautiful as fuck his voice doesn't appeal to me in half of their songs. dude, get a damn vocal teacher or something, because some of your songs suck and it's not because of mark, dave, or ronnie. it's your lame ass singing. JUST KIDDING. fuck. your voice is really sexy. i love having it ringing in my ears. maybe it's dave's fault that i'm not into some of your songs. i mean, he has his moments. but he needs to clean up that fucking puff ball for a head of his because it's very unattractive. you look like a q-tip. a really ugly one, at that. i wouldn't be surprised if i found small pieces of food in there because you do a shit job of keeping it neat. i'm not really sure why i'm still talking about the killers. but that's my rant.

dammit, katherine anne fucking tordil.
do your damn macbeth essay.

edit: 7:58 pm
okay, i'm totally procrastinating.
but i made this. so i'm productive too. kinda.

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